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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Do you love yourself?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? Have you ever stopped and thought about how much you love yourself if at all? What makes you convinced that you love yourself enough? These are questions which I have mulled over in recent weeks. What do I actually do that proves to me that I love myself?

1. Do I like how I look? It doesn't matter what other people see or think. It's how much comfortable you are in your own skin that matters. If you look in a mirror and you like what you see, truly and honestly, then nothing else matters. If not, try to first come up with what exactly you do like. There must be something you like in you, be it your eyes, your lips, your straight teeth, your nails or your height. You need to focus on those things you like and maximise their potential. You might try to smile more, put on a lovely shade of lipstick, whiten your teeth, purchase a new nail polish shade and apply it or even pull your shoulders back and walk with your back straight so you seem taller and more confident.

When you've accomplished your first challenge, you might then try to analyse what it is exactly that you don't like. Do not approach this step with a negative attitude. It could be hard but one has to be objective in this case. List a maximum of three things you don't like and work on those. If you are bored of your same old hairstyle, it's time to pay a visit to a good hairdresser. Don't be afraid of change. Change is good sometimes, it can give you the boost of confidence you need. If your skin looks dull, chances are you need to hydrate it more. Drink lots of water, get a facial done, invest in a good cleanser and moisturiser (and actually use them) and try to incorporate as much food containing essential vitamins and minerals in your diet as you can. Simply criticising yourself won't help you in any way. You need to be proactive. Grab the bull by its horns and take control of your life.

2. Do I take care of my body? This is not simply related to outer appearance. What's inside of you is as important as what is on the outside. What are you putting in your body? Have you thought about what you have been feeding your body in recent months? Our body is like a machine. If it's well-oiled it will run smoothly. If it hasn't had a service in months, it will most probably start giving you problems in a short while. What are you drinking? Are you living off coffee and cigarettes? Are you giving your body the necessary hydration it needs to function properly? There is one way to tell. Look at the colour of your urine. If it's clear then everything's fine. If it's quite dark and smells a bit then you'd better start glugging down the water and cut back on the caffeine. Introduce herbal teas to your body as they are most beneficial. All you need to do is some tweaking to your diet. Swap that white bread for multigrain, downsize the portions if they're huge, make sure you've got different colours on your plate (and by that I don't mean brown sauce, ketchup, mustard and mayo) from different veggies, some source of protein and some carbs. Think of the rainbow, make sure you've got at least something green, something red, something yellow and something orange. Avoid food that comes out of a can. It is probably full of preservatives and carcinogenic chemicals.

3. Do I find time for myself? Most of the time we find that we dedicate a lot of time to others but hardly have any left to ourselves. We need some me-time at least each week if not everyday. Do something you really like doing. Go for a walk on your own, read a book, watch a film, relax in the sun for 20 mins (you need the Vitamin D), prepare your own lunch for the next day at leisure, pamper yourself. You need to find what works for you and find the time to do it. Forget everything and everyone even if it's for 5 minutes each morning before everybody else wakes up and all hell breaks loose. You need to be selfish in this regard. You deserve it.